Facebook Advertising in Luxembourg

Display Ads on Facebook

Facebook Advertising Luxembourg

Facebook is the largest social network in the world with over one Billion registered users.

More and more present in the social interaction, it mobilizes the attention of millions of people every day.

Facebook, through its advertising platform, can target very precisely all the users who are potentially interested in your products or services according to specific criteria (age, gender, city, interests, relationship and professional status). A well optimized visibility allows for very good return on investment.

Why to Advertise on Facebook?

  • Getting visible on the most popular social network
  • Gain visibility without paying the display, only pay per click
  • Provide a trendy image for your products and business
  • Be present before your competitors
  • Easy and effective ad targeting by location, gender, age, marital status or interests
  • Increase your online community
  • It provides nearly instant feedback

Facebook Advertising Services

  • Creation and configuration of Facebook campaigns
  • Revision of text ads & images
  • Daily monitoring
  • Optimizing your ROI (Return on Investment)
  • Weekly traffic report

Advertise on Facebook

Position yourself in the eyes of millions of people every day and quickly increase website popularity and traffic.